Date of birth missing

European court OKs extradition of terror suspects to the United States

Global Politics

In a closely-watched European court case, an EU human rights court said five terror suspects in the U.K. would not have their human rights violated if they were extradited to the United States. The case was viewed as a sort of referendum on the U.S. criminal justice system.

Los Angeles Dodgers to be sold for record two billion dollars

Former New York Times executive editor remembers colleague Anthony Shadid

Hate-crime victim fights execution of his attacker

Global Politics

Fugitive George Wright captured after 41 years

Global Politics

Internet freedom or real-world hypocrisy


The revolution in Tunisia is being hailed as a victory for internet freedoms, but government control is causing real problems.

Financial worries on the brain

Neuroeconomics, the study of fear-driven impairment on the brain’s ability to function affects how we deal with financial troubles.

The Case of US Diplomat Ryan Fogle: In the World of Spies, Old Tricks are New Again

Conflict & Justice

The American diplomat detained and accused of being a spy wasn’t carrying the latest spy gadgets. Anchor Marco Werman finds what’s old and what’s new in the spy business from Peter Earnest, executive director of the International Spy Museum in Washington.

Boston Bombing Suspects and Online Radical Jihad Videos

As investigators gather information about the Boston marathon bombing suspects, one focus is whether the suspects were influenced by online militant websites. Host Marco Werman talks with Rita Katz, of SITE Intelligence Group.

The Solutionism Trap

Technology can turn dry reporting into poetry and can revolutionize newsrooms, but it can drive us crazy – and make us less unproductive too. Your stories about the technology you could do with out underscore that technological gains often come at a price. Evgeny Morozov  says the trouble might not be in the technology itself, but […]