
Color-blind artist uses sounds to ‘see’ color

Health & Medicine

Neil Harbisson is a color-blind artist. But, rather than limiting his art to shades of gray, he’s turned to technology to help him develop the ability to hear the colors that he cannot see.

The World

Neil Harbisson, Cyborg

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Color-Blind Artist Neil Harbisson Uses Webcam-Like Eyeborg to ‘Hear’ Color

The World

Emerging Science Note

Neil Harbisson, Cyborg

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Cyborg Society

Producer Bob Carty has the third part of his series, Generation Next: Remaking the Human Race. This segment examines the benefits and consequences of melding man with machine to create cyborgs – people with bodies aided or controlled by technical devices. For modern science, the cyborg is presenting some exciting, and also disturbing, possibilities.

The World

Eyeborg: Filmmaker wants to install a wireless camera in his eye to document life

Arts, Culture & Media

Canadian filmmaker Rob Spence is taking the all-seeing eye concept to a new level, combining reality TV, public journalism and documentary filmmaking. If he can raise the money, he’ll install a wireless video camera into his own prosthetic eye.