Cultural geography

Fitting in: Immigrant Children and Assimilation

According to the Migration Policy Institute’s analysis of the 2010 Census, 15 percent of the immigrant population is between the ages of five and seventeen.  Many immigrant children arrive speaking only their native language, or very limited English; many live in low-income areas and face the challenge of assimilation along with the many other issues families […]

Generation 1.5: Assimilating to American Culture as a Young Immigrant

Lifestyle & Belief

Lessons from Traditional Societies on Raising Children, Caring for the Elderly

The World


The World



A new book helps explore the relationship between the mind and the places your feet travel.

The World

Young China: Search for meaning, Aging population, Tradition and innovation


China’s young generation is like none that has come before in the People’s Republic. It’s grown up riding the wave of China’s growing prosperity and globalization. The new generation is starting to come of age. As it does, it’s changing China.