Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act

The World

Takeouts: Arizona’s ‘Safe Neighborhoods’ bill supporters defend their position, NHL playoffs

Conflict & Justice

IMMIGRATION TAKEOUT: Arizona State Senate Bill 1070, also known as the ?Safe Neighborhoods? bill, has pushed immigration reform to the top of the national agenda. Critics say that the anti-illegal immigration bill's measures are far too harsh, and possibly even illegal the requirement that local and state police detain anybody with reasonable suspicion of being […]

How Volunteers Keep Watch, Ease Isolation of Immigrant Detainees

Global Nation

Senate passes broad immigration overhaul

Global Politics

Immigration reform would bring end to U.S. visa program benefitting Africans

Global Politics

States consider reforms to help domestic workers move out of shadows

Conflict & Justice

A Voice from the Border on Immigration Reform

Republicans are pushing for stronger border security measures, threatening to derail immigration reforms if their demands are not met. But within the party itself, there is infighting between Republican members of the gang of eight, the chief among them Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the one hand, and Ted Cruz, Senator of Texas, and other […]

Senate’s Immigration Bill Quietly Curtails African Flows

Conflict & Justice

The immigration bill making its way through the Senate would put an end to the so-called ‘Green Card Lottery.’ The World’s Jason Margolis explains why the proposed change has sparked anger among African immigrants living in the US.

‘Gang of Eight’ to Introduce Bipartisan Immigration Bill This Week

The bipartisan group of senators knows as The Gang of Eight will release their immigration reform bill this week. The proposal is expected to overhaul the current system and give millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States a pathway to citizenship. The groups says that they have reached an agreement on all of the […]