
Scientists find waste heat affects climate in winter


In a recent study, climate scientists learned that the amount of waste heat large global cities produce influences regional climates. Now, scientists are using the study to explain how the planet is warming.

New model says science under-estimates climate change


Climate Disruption and Sea Level Rise

Superstorms and Climate Change

Tracking El Nino

New Ozone Hole Findings

Most of us associate increasing greenhouse gas emissions with climate change. But a group of scientists writing in the journal Nature say greenhouse gases are affecting the earth’s protective stratospheric ozone layer as well. Lead author Drew Shindell (shin-DELL) is a scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. He told Steve Curwood that […]

The World

Remembering a Nobel Climate Scientist

Stephen Schneider, one of the world’s leading climate change experts, has died. Professor Schneider was a prolific author and passionate champion of climate change research and public policy.

Clouds Shadow Warming Predictions

New research finds clouds could play part in a vicious cycle of warming as temperatures continue to rise. But only one climate change model was able to reproduce the new observations on cloud fluctuations and temperature, suggesting we might be underestim

The World

Heating Up the Campaign Trail

Climate change is emerging as a top-tier issue in the race for the White House. Most of the major candidates have staked out aggressive stances to reduce global warming pollution. Living on Earth looks at how the issue is playing out politically.

An Ice Age Averted?

Modern advances like autos and power plants have mostly been to blame for causing climate change. But a University of Virginia professor claims our ancestors had a hand in warming the planet. Host Steve Curwood talks with William Ruddiman, who says that human activity 8,000 years ago may have put off an Ice Age.