Civil defense

The region of southern Spain is facing desertification.

Southern Spain’s green-belt project aims to stave off impending desertification

The Big Fix

The ambitious green-belt project aims to create a series of contiguous forests that would run for hundreds of miles across the country’s southern region — but it may take decades.

The Recruits German military

The German military’s recruiting videos are so much more than an ad campaign

White Helmet volunteers search for survivors at a site reportedly hit with a barrel bomb in the Al-Shaar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria, on September 17, 2015.

With Aleppo under siege, the city’s ‘White Helmet’ volunteers pull bodies from rubble day after day

Members of the Hanano team rescue a man who had been trapped inside his home after a bomb hit it in Aleppo, Syria.

These young men risk their lives to save others in Syria


Shanghai Trend Turns Bomb Shelters Into Hip Social Spaces

Arts, Culture & Media

Juliette Kayyem: Remembering September 11

Global Politics

The Sept. 11th attacks of 2001 and how homeland security has evolved in the past 10 years.

Shelter from the Storm

A Midwest company offers an alternative to the traditional storm cellar: an in-home storm-proof room, able to withstand Category 5 winds.

The World

Homeland Security

It promises to be the largest reorganization of the federal government in decades, Congress is trying to finish up work on the new Department of Homeland Security. Living on Earth’s Anna Solomon-Greenbaum reports on the environmental ramifications.

The World

Geo Quiz Answer

Arts, Culture & Media

Today’s Geo Quiz asked you to name the country with the most nuclear fallout shelter space per citizen. The answer is Switzerland. Now tourists can get a taste of life inside one of these shelters in the form of the the Null Stern Hotel.