Chukchi Sea

sea ice

Ice is us: Alaska Natives face the demise of the Arctic ice pack

The Big Melt

Sea ice plays a big role in keeping the earth cool, but it’s disappearing fast. No one knows this better, or is more directly affected, than the Arctic’s native communities, whose economy and culture are deeply interwoven with ice.

A polar bear keeps close to her young along the Beaufort Sea coast in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, March 6, 2007.

For polar bears, melting ice in the Arctic means less room to roam for food

The World

Alaska’s Changing Climate

Taking Climate Offenders to Court

The World

Alaska’s Changing Climate

The World

Eskimos in Russia

Alaskan Eskimos are helping the native people in Siberia relearn how to live off the land. Siberian Yupik used to subsist on marine mammal hunting, but during the Soviet era their hunting was restricted, and know-how and traditions were lost. Jody Seitz reports.

The World

Aha Moment: TV On The North Slope

Arts, Culture & Media

Filmmaker Andrew Okpeha MacLean is from an Inuit family in Barrow, Alaska. When TV was introduced to the North Slope, it began to decimate the Inupiaq language. Now he’s making films that bring that language to the world beyond the Arctic. Produced by Anna Boiko-Weyrauch.

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

The two islands – one American and one Russian – in the middle of the Bering Strait, are the Big and Little Diomede Islands. The World’s David Leveille follows up on a recent Geo Quiz about the distance between the US and Russia.