Charles Ponzi

Bernie Madoff and his wife attempted suicide, Ruth Madoff reveals in interview

Global Politics

In interviews with 60 Minutes and the New York Times, Ruth Madoff admitted for the first time that she and Bernie Madoff attempted suicide shortly after his Ponzi Scheme began to unravel.

Violin Dealer Dietmar Machold Convicted of Embezzlement

Arts, Culture & Media

Your Take: Social Security

Is Social Security a ‘Ponzi Scheme’?

Republicans Face Off in Tea Party Debate

The World

The Fed’s New Crackdown on Ponzi Schemes, Big and Small

Conflict & Justice

The Justice Department and other federal agenceies are cracking down on would-be Bernie Madoffs of the future. Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder tallied the results of a nationwide Financial Fraud Task Force that’s meant to target investment fraud and other Ponzi schemes. The Justice department reports that the estimated loss from these financial fraud schemes […]

The World

One year after Madoff’s arrest

Hard to believe, but it’s been one year since Ponzi scheme ‘mastermind’ Bernie Madoff was arrested for scamming over $50 billion from investors. We thought it’d be the perfect time to check in and see how Madoff’s victims and associates are doing.

The World

Takeouts: the 2% option?, Bernie Madoff, World Series

Global Politics

Washington, business, and sports Takeouts for November 2nd, 2009. From The Takeaway.

The World

Writing (another) Book on Madoff

Arts, Culture & Media

The sixth book on the life of convicted Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff hits bookstores today. The Takeaway speaks to Motoko Rich, who covers the publishing industry for The New York Times, along with author and journalist Erin Arvedlund.

The World

A snowball’s chance in this economy: How one bad economic decision can lead to others

Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist, has first-hand insight into how one self-destructive financial decision can thrust us into a downward spiral of many bad decisions. Dan Ariely is a professor at Duke University and author of ‘Predictably Irrational.’