Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens teaches us about financial crises

Arts, Culture & Media

For those of you looking for hope in times of economic woe, look no further than the man who brought you “Oliver Twist.”

The Blank Slate of American Identity in Emma Donoghue’s ‘Astray’

The World

Charles Dickens’ American Tour

Arts, Culture & Media

200th Birthday of Charles Dickens

The World

London’s Dickens Museum Closed During Bicentennial

Arts, Culture & Media

Charles Dickens at 200

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”  The words are timeless, they could apply to the world today. But of course, they were written over 150 years ago by Charles Dickens, in his masterpiece “A Tale of Two Cities.”  If […]

Looking Back at Charles Dickens as He Approaches 200

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”  The words are timeless, they could apply to the world today. But of course, they were written over 150 years ago by Charles Dickens, in his masterpiece “A Tale of Two Cities.”  If […]

Summer Book Club: Jonathan Safran Foer’s ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close’

Our summer book club continues today with host John Hockenberry’s first pick for August. John sees summer reading as an opportunity for challenge. He spent one summer reading the Russian literature, and the following summer he devoted his reading to Charles Dickens. This summer, as the tenth anniversary of September 11 approaches, John decided it […]

The World

It was the worst of times: Dickens teaches us about financial crises

University of Oxford English professor Robert Douglas-Fairhurst says no other author can encapsulate the anxiety of our current economy better than Charles Dickens.

The World

Putting Dickens online


English novelist Charles Dickens often published his novels in serial form. The stories would be broken down into installments to be read over time.