Carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere

The Gaia hypothesis, devised by James Lovelock, posits that Earth is a living, self-regulating organism.

Imagining Gaia, the Earth, as ‘one great, living organism’

James Lovelock’s hypothesis could unlock a whole-systems approach to protecting the amazing life forms on Earth.

Soil test plots

Carbon released from warming soil will accelerate climate disruption, according to a long-term study

Smokestack and trees

As global carbon dioxide levels climb, plants are becoming better at photosynthesis

Tractor farming in India

Global warming threatens nutrition levels in staple crops


Combating climate change by storing CO2 underground

The World

Every Breath

When officials talk about reducing air pollution and combating global warming, they usually mean reducing the burning of fossil fuels. But commentator Neal Rauch says focusing the blame on industry alone isn’t fair. When it comes to curbing CO2 emissions, he thinks we should all share the burden. Commentator Neal Rauch breathes lightly in New […]