
Several people in coats stand around a giant button

Why are so few people born on Christmas Day, New Year’s and other holidays?

Depending on the year and place, between 30% and 40% fewer babies are born on Dec. 25 than on the peak day of the year.

What year is it? If you’re in Iran, Happy 1393!

Lifestyle & Belief

What year is it? If you’re in Iran, Happy 1393!

Lifestyle & Belief

Tazaungdaing: Myanmar’s Festival of Lights

Supreme Court Environment Docket

The World

Supreme Court begins new term

Conflict & Justice

The Supreme Court begins a new term on Monday. Jeff Rosen, law professor at George Washington University, legal affairs editor for The New Republic, talks about what to expect in the Court’s new term.

The World

The Wild Side of Y2K

As the Big Day approaches, commentator Chris Bolgiano (bowl-gee-AH-no) has a prescription for relaxation: look out the window, where every day is Y2K.

Are Chemical Plants Ready for Y2K?

If a chemical plant is hit by the Y2K problem at midnight on December 31st, toxic chemicals could escape. Host Laura Knoy talks with Jerry Pogy, a member of the federal Chemical Safety Board, who says that large corporations are getting prepared for the new year but he’s worried that many small and medium companies […]

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about…blue moons, two in the first three months of 1999.

Winter Solstice Past and Present: Return of the Sun

John Matthews is a connoisseur of ancient celebrations and author of The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas. The book traces many of today’s solstice activities and legends back to their roots. Mr. Matthews speaks with Steve Curwood about winter solstice past and present, and what the shortest days and darkest time of year […]