Biological warfare

Smaillpox virus

Should the last samples of smallpox virus be saved?


Though smallpox was officially declared to be eradicated in 1980, live samples of the virus live on — stored in carefully guarded freezers in Russia and the US. Now officials will consider eliminating those final samples — and truly wiping small pox off the Earth.Though smallpox was officially declared to be eradicated in 1980, live samples of the virus live on — stored in carefully guarded freezers in Russia and the US. Now officials will consider eliminating those final samples — and truly wiping small pox off the Earth.

Expansive definition for ‘weapon of mass destruction’ gives prosecutors the power

Global Politics

Police still looking for evidence as focus shifts to new suspect in ricin letters

Global Politics

Evidence mounts, indicating Syria may be using chemical weapons

Global Politics
The World

Reconstructing Viruses

Arts, Culture & Media

White House Weighs Testing Anthrax Vaccine on Children

A working group of The  National Biodefense Science Board  (NBSB) has endorsed a plan to test anthrax vaccines on healthy children. The NBSB, which advises the federal government, says scientist should inject healthy children with BioThrax, the anthrax vaccine, to see if it is as effective on children as it is in adults. The Obama administration is […]

The World

Who controls Gadhafi’s weapons?

Conflict & Justice

With the possibility that Moammar Gadhafi’s reign may soon end, many are concerned about what will come of his stockpile of deadly weapons. Who will have control over the weapons?

The World

Ancient Biowarfare

Most historians will tell you the earliest evidence of biological and chemical weapons dates back to World War I and the use of mustard gas. But one historian has amassed a significant amount of earlier accounts that prove otherwise. Adrienne Mayor unearths histories of toxic honey, red-hot sand and stench weapons used throughout antiquity. She […]

The World

Environmental Health Note/Gene Alert

Living on Earth’s Diane Toomey reports on research done by the U.S. army to develop an early warning genetic test for exposure to bioterrorism.


Under the threat of bioterrorism, the nation is gearing up to provide each citizen with a vaccination against the highly contagious and often deadly disease smallpox. Host Steve Curwood talks with Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases about the smallpox threat and what’s being done to offset it.