Bill Gates

The World

Billionaires pledge to give up half their money to charity

More than 30 billionaires have agreed to donate at least half their fortunes to charity; the list was made public yesterday. The New York Times’ Louise Story, has the details of this new venture by some of the country’s richest people.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet prod Chinese millionaires for charity

The World

Bill Gates and Bill Gates, Sr. on ‘Showing Up For Life’

The World

Bill Gates has an idea on how to plug the spill. Do you?

The World

Mexican telecom mogul tops list of world’s richest

The World

Gates and Buffet pushing philanthropy in China

Global Politics

US moguls Bill Gates and Warren Buffett hosted a private dinner in Beijing on Wednesday for some of China’s newly rich to talk about giving their money away. Anchor Lisa Mullins finds out more from the BBC’s Michael Bristow.

The World

International views of Bill Gates


Bill Gates is officially stepping down as head of Microsoft today to devote himself full-time to his work as a philanthropist, but first we get some snapshots from around the world of what the people think of when they hear the name Bill Gates.