
A close-up view of a male blue orchard bee, also known as Osmia lignaria. This type of bee, which is native to North America, is known to be one of the world's best pollinators.

Book creates buzz about native bees of North America


When you hear the word “bee,” you probably picture a honeybee. As a new book shows, though, many bees native to North America defy conventionalism and remain relatively unknown on their own continent

Two Artists Let the Animals Speak for Themselves

Arts, Culture & Media

Two Artists Let The Animals Speak For Themselves

Arts, Culture & Media

Blondie on “Pollinator”

Arts, Culture & Media
sweat bee

Most bees are solitary animals, and 4 other surprising bee facts


Bringing science and engineering stories to life for students


All it takes is a little news and some top-notch teachers.

The spring bloom in California’s Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is pictured here.

Here are a few ways to make the most of wildflower season


Experts offer some tips on everything from planting your own wildflowers to identifying the flowers you find.

Bombus affinis, the rusty patched bumblebee.

How do tiny little bee brains do so much?


Bee neurons are extraordinarily networked. Researchers are hoping these efficient little minds can help us understand multitasking.

Audric de Campeau pours a glass of mead in the Paris catacombs with his dog, Filou.

A French beekeeper makes mead in the Paris catacombs


Audric de Campeau has combined his two passions, beekeeping and winemaking, by making mead, an alcoholic beverage made with honey. And he ages his mead in the tunnels under Paris.


How this Yemeni American keeps up the family business thousands of miles from home


Khaled Almaghafi is a bee master in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s spiritual work, too. “You see how they dance, how they collect the honey, how they work … you feel deep inside there is a creator,” he says.