
Sex and the Single Pest

Instead of applying pesticides to crops, Yoonseong Park decided to manipulate pest mating behavior by knocking out the brain chemical that transmits sexual desire. It works, and it could change the future of pesticides – except that right now, there’s no way of impacting pests.

How Insects Influence Plant Evolution

Bug farmer working to introduce insects to European diets

Researcher studies tiny critters disappearing as quickly as they’re discovered


New research finds rapid evolution in plants to resist predatory insects


Haute Cuisine: Spanish Farm Makes Bet on ‘Bug Revolution’

Arts, Culture & Media

In a warehouse in Spain, a French farmer is raising what she hopes will be the next big thing in French and European cooking: insects.

Eat-a-Bug Cookbook

Not only should we consider eating insects for environmental reasons; they can also be tasty. David George Gordon has just released an updated version of his Eat-A-Bug Cookbook, brimming with recipes that feature crickets, grasshoppers, ants, spiders, centipedes, and their kin. He joins host Steve Curwood from Seattle.

The World

Bug Lunch

Steve travels to New York with Living on Earth’s Deborah Stavro to sample the latest culinary delight, insect cookery. People in many parts of the world have always eaten insects, and now some environmentalists say the nutritious arthropods are a potentially significant source of nutrition for millions more.

The World

Bug Lunch

Steve travels to New York with Living on Earth’s Deborah Stavro to sample the latest culinary delight, insect cookery. People in many parts of the world have always eaten insects, and now some environmentalists say the nutritious arthropods are a potentially significant source of nutrition for millions more.

The World

Science Note/Aquatic Insects and Solar Panels

A puzzling ecological problem is buzzing about: aquatic insects seem to prefer solar panels to water.