
Cosmic Crisp apple tree

The new Cosmic Crisp apple hits stores — after years of development


Creating a new breed of apple and bringing it successfully to market is much more complicated than you might think. The Cosmic Crisp is now in stores and growers hope it will live up to the hype.

2013 was a banner year for apples in New England and even the old, long-neglected trees at the Thomson farm in Western Massachusetts got caught up in the frenzy.

A banner year for New England apples brought back a family’s cider-making tradition

Lifestyle & Belief
Meet two of Poland's newest commercial cider producers -- Marcin Hermanowicz (left) and Tomek Porowski. They're in an apple orchard in Ignacow, Poland.

Poland may be chock full of apples, but doesn’t drink hard cider

Arts, Culture & Media

Listener Letters

The World

Apple Savior

The World

Another Casualty of the Global Economy – Apples???

Commentator Jane Brox’s apple orchard has withstood decades of hurricanes and other east coast storms. Now comes the threat that may finally cause her to chop down those trees – the international financial crisis.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about apples. October is National Apple Month. The fruit has a long history of health benefits  ? some more mythical than others.