When people attack Greta Thunberg for not showing emotion or for showing too much of it, perhaps there’s an inkling that the severity of the climate crisis demands a great deal of painful and complicated emotions, and they’d rather not think of them.
With so many stories about global climate disruption, species extinction, and habitat loss, it’s no wonder that many people are feeling eco-anxiety these days. Mary Pipher’s newest book is called . It’s all about how we can save the earth and restore our mental health at the same time.
It may not surprise you to learn that American students dread math. Or that that they feel that dread physically through stomachaches, headaches, fluttering heartbeats and sweaty palms. Many Takeaway listeners have been sharing their own tales of math-induced terror: Listener Aman writes, “I have failed every single math class I have ever taken. I […]