2020 election

Stacey Abrams 2020 election

Georgia’s green voters helped deliver the Senate to the Democrats


Voters most likely to rank the environment as their top priority are young, Black or Latino, and they were key voters in the two recent senatorial wins in Georgia that gave the majority to Democrats.

A composite of eight photos of young Latino voters.

We followed eight young Latino first-time voters all year. Here’s how they view the 2020 election.

Every 30 Seconds
A close-up photograph of Sen. Kamala Harris shown smiling.

Biden selects California Sen. Kamala Harris as running mate

Global Politics
Una photo con el collage de 8 retratos de jovenes sobre un fondo negro.

Estos son los jóvenes votantes latinos de ‘Cada 30 Segundos’

Every 30 Seconds
Elizabeth Warren stands in front of camera and microphones.

Elizabeth Warren decries big money in politics. Her campaign treasurer embodies it.

US politics