10th Mountain Division

Manning’s safety in question as a transgendered person in military prison

Global Politics

U.S. soldier Bradley Manning was recently sentenced to 35 years in military prison for leaking state secrets, but one day later shocked many by coming out as transgendered. Manning, who asked to be referred to as Chelsea going forward, may find support for her new identity difficult to come by in Army prison.

How a Former US Marine Intelligence Officer Views the Manning Trial

Conflict & Justice

Bradley Manning Sentenced to Military Prison for 35 Years

Conflict & Justice

Former State Department Spokesman: ‘Manning Acquittal of Aiding the Enemy Right Verdict’

Conflict & Justice

Bradley Manning Found Not Guilty of Aiding the Enemy

Conflict & Justice

Speed of Bradley Manning Trial Masks Prosecutors’ Struggles

Bradley Manning’s court-martial was already in weekend recess as of midday Tuesday, marking the third consecutive week the court has finished far ahead of schedule.

The World

Bradley Manning Trial Continues

Conflict & Justice

The court martial against Bradley Manning is in its second week. The Army private has already admitted leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents and US State Department cables. He is still facing charges that could result in a life sentence.

Pushing for More Transparency in Bradley Manning Trial

More than three years after his arrest and after months and months of pretrial hearings, the trial of Army Private Bradley Manning finally began this week at Fort Meade.   Manning is accused of releasing more than 700 thousand classified government files to the website WikiLeaks.   He has been charged with aiding the enemy and with […]

Court-Martial of Bradley Manning Begins in Fort Meade

Conflict & Justice

The court-martial of Private First Class Bradley Manning has started in Fort Meade. Manning is accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified US documents. The former Army intelligence analyst has admitted that he gave the documents to WikiLeaks.

The World

Bradley Manning: Traitor or Martyr?

Conflict & Justice

Bradley Manning is in court again this week, and a former State Department official, PJ Crowley, says the US should not make him a martyr.