northern China

A reporter finds China’s tiger farms likely contribute to poaching — rather than alleviating it


Tiger farms in China were supposed to help reduce the market for wild tiger parts. But a recent investigation suggests they may instead be fueling the market.

A reporter finds China’s tiger farms likely contribute to poaching — rather than alleviating it

A mountain of grain in a Chinese warehouse. China is importing more of its supply of thirsty and land-intensive crops like corn and soy, often from leased or purchased land that guarantees a supply outside of the regular international market.

Guaranteed lunch? China’s food ‘pipeline’


New research discovers vast impact on lifespan from China’s pollution

Health & Medicine

China faces desertification

The World

China Desert

The soil in northern China is turning to sand, and huge dust storms are causing environmental and health problems thousands of miles away. Now, the Chinese government is making control of desertification a national priority. Anne Marie Ruff reports from Inner Mongolia.