Since the election of Donald Trump, Germany’s leader Angela Merkel has been seen as an important global voice for Western liberal values. Her legacy is mixed, and it’s unclear who will fill her shoes on the global political stage.
President Obama in Europe this week has been rallying the nations of Europe to oppose Moscow’s annexation of Crimea, and to try to deter further aggression. But despite all the talk of unity, there are serious limits to what the US and Europe are willing to do together. Host Marco Werman speaks with Judy Dempsey, senior associate at Carnegie-Europe. President Obama in Europe this week has been rallying the nations of Europe to oppose Moscow’s annexation of Crimea, and to try to deter further aggression. But despite all the talk of unity, there are serious limits to what the US and Europe are willing to do together. Host Marco Werman speaks with Judy Dempsey, senior associate at Carnegie-Europe.