Tina Fey

Beth McCarthy-Miller (center) on the set of “30 Rock” with Tina Fey (left) and guest star Matt Damon (right).

Beth McCarthy-Miller on directing ‘SNL,’ sitcoms and the most notorious Super Bowl halftime show ever


A surprise lesson in directing Donald Trump.

Jon Stewart interviews President Barack Obama in 2012.

Missing Jon Stewart already: ‘This guy ought to be on Mount Rushmore’


Highlights from Last Night’s Golden Globes

The World

Godfather of Improv

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Emmys short, sweet and surprising

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Powerful Women Roundtable

Arts, Culture & Media

In honor of Forbes’ list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, The Takeaway put together a roundtable to discuss what it means to be a powerful woman and who should be topping the list. Our guests: Anna Deavere Smith, Faye Wattleton, and Carol Jenkins.

The World

And the Emmy Goes To…

Arts, Culture & Media

The Emmy nominations are out this morning. Some shows or actors were shoo-ins, while others were shut out. On The Takeaway is Kim Potts; she runs the blog TV Screener and is here to talk about the Emmys.