Tariq Malik

NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, is pictured in this February 3, 2013 handout self-portrait.

The Curiosity rover uncovers evidence that Mars once had a massive lake


The Curiosity rover is currently roaming a 96-mile crater on the surface Mars, and the evidence it has collected suggests that the crater was once home to a huge lake. And NASA scientists say this information is unlike any they’ve seen before.

The planet Saturn is seen backlit by the sun, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft on July 19, 2013.

Saturn shows us how a moon might be born

The planet Saturn is seen backlit by the sun, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft on July 19, 2013.

Saturn shows us how a moon might be born


Astronauts get Halloween treats delivered as research continues

The World

SpaceX company Obama administrations’s latest hope for space travel

Global Politics
The World

2010’s space odyssey: Obama’s NASA proposals may change space flight forever

Global Politics

President Obama plans to cancel the program that would send NASA astronauts back to the moon. But this doesn’t mean the future of manned spaceflight has come to a halt. Instead, private investors may fill the gap with commercial space tourism.