Sy Montgomery

Anna's hummingbird

‘The Hummingbirds’ Gift’ sings the praises of this ‘superlative’ bird


Writer Sy Montgomery had the opportunity to rehabilitate two orphaned hummingbirds. The experience reminded her that “miracles happen all the time” and that these fragile yet fierce birds are “a great symbol of hope.”

The "Octopus Church" is an octagonal church on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. It's built over a ceremonial site for an octopus deity.

The octopus church of French Polynesia may have you rethink your next seafood dinner

The World

Befriending An Octopus

The World

Runaway Pig

The World

Night Flight

The World

Spring Nesting

Commentator Sy Montgomery marvels at the beauty and ingenuity of bird nests.

The World

Winter insects

Sometimes it takes the eye, of a trained naturalist, like Living On Earth commentator Sy Montgomery to point out the more subtle characters in daily life like the bugs of winter. Sy Montgomery is author of “Life’s Everyday Mysteries”. She comes to us care of New Hampshire Public Radio.

The World

Lush, Mysterious Bogs

Commentator Sy Montgomery likes to visit her favorite bog where life seems boundless, mysterious, and where time seems to stand still. Ms. Montgomery is the author of “Nature’s Everyday Mysteries”. She comes to us from New Hampshire Public Radio.

The World

Night Flight

Migration time has begun, and we mostly notice it during the day. The afternoon sky can carry the “V” shaped formations of Canada geese, and it’s possible to spot hawks passing over mountain tops at dawn and dusk. Most birds pass by more subtly, and sometimes we don’t see them at all. But they don’t […]

The World

Autumn Insect Songs

It’s official on September 23. Autumn is here. Soon, many of us will revel in the beauty of changing leaves, the cool snap in the air, and the flights of migrating birds. But for commentator Sy Montgomery, the loveliness of the season is captured in the sweetness of the voices of insects. Commentator Sy Montgomery […]