Rahm Emanuel

After Colorado shooting, fear prompts increase in firearms sales

Global Politics

In the wake of last week’s deadly shooting at an Aurora, Colo., theater that left 12 dead and many wounded, firearm sales surged amidst fears of changes in gun control laws.

Ron Suskind defends book about Obama administration

Arts, Culture & Media

NATO and Occupy Protests Rock Chicago

The World

Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to leave White House

Global Politics
The World

Rahm, thanks for the memories

Global Politics
The World

Changes in advisors and White House staff

Global Politics

Soon, there will be several changes at the top levels of the Obama administration. What are we to make of this seemingly tumultuous time?

The World

Obama begins Cabinet-making, offering chief-of-staff post to Rep. Rahm Emanuel

Global Politics

Newly elected president Barack Obama faces extraordinary challenges. And how America handles two wars and a global economy in turmoil could depend on the team he assembles.