Peter Maass

Coffins of US military personnel are prepared to be offloaded at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware in this undated photo. From 1991 to 2009, the government did not permit photographing the return of servicemembers killed in action.

Graphic images of war are hard to stomach — but some say they’re necessary


When news outlets decide to publish graphic photos of war and violence, they often face censorship, opposition or anger for doing so. In the wake of the release of ISIS beheading videos, one journalist argues that there is value in bearing witness to war, even its ugliest parts.

The Story Behind Snowden’s Leaks

Why Snowden Entrusted His Secrets to Documentary Filmmaker Laura Poitras

Global Politics

New York exhibition documents Iraq War invasion through Marine’s diary

Global Politics

An intimate tour of the threatened Gulf Coast

A US Marine’s Iraq War Diary

Arts, Culture & Media

In 2003, Lt.Tim McLaughlin led a Marine tank platoon as the invasion of Iraq began. He kept a handwritten diary of those days; it forms the centerpiece of a new exhibition in New York.

The World

Did the Media Inflate the Significance of Toppling Saddam Hussein Statue?

Conflict & Justice

When is what the world knows as an iconic moment, perhaps not an iconic moment? On April 9, 2003, a large statue of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was taken down by U.S. security forces in Baghdad’s Firdos Square. The two-hour toppling took place in front of the Palestine Hotel, where journalists from around the […]

The World

Outsourcing the dangers of oil drilling

Peter Maass, author of ‘Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil,’ takes us through some of the places we’re likely to see more drilling in the future as oil companies take their drilling rigs globetrotting to avoid American regulations that may crop up in the wake of the Gulf oil spill.

The World

Crude World: An interview with Peter Maass

Global Politics

Author Peter Maass has spent eight years trying to understand the politics and economy of oil production across the globe. The result is his new book, Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil, Anchor Jeb Sharp speaks with Peter Maass.