Patrick Smith

Sideshow Podcast: How Animation Helps Us Appreciate Good Audio

Arts, Culture & Media

The greatest interview ever recorded won’t get as many hits on YouTube as a cat giving a high five. The people behind Blank on Blank are using animation to make audio go viral.

A departure board displays various cancellations at Ben Gurion International airport in Tel Aviv.

Despite recent events in Ukraine and Israel, flying over hot spots is business as usual

Conflict & Justice
A "Pray for MH370" projection is seen on the Putra World Trade Centre building in Kuala Lumpur.

How the missing Malaysian jetliner has evolved into a media mystery spectacle

A "Pray for MH370" projection is seen on the Putra World Trade Centre building in Kuala Lumpur.

How the missing Malaysian jetliner has evolved into a media mystery spectacle

The World

Cockpit confidential: investigating the Northwest Airlines pilots

The World

Dear Pilot: Should I be afraid of bird strikes?


The news that a flock of geese may have caused the U.S. Airways jetliner crash has a lot of people wondering just how worried they should be about so-called ‘bird strikes.’ Guest: Patrick Smith, pilot and author of’s Ask the Pilot.

The World

All eyes on Guinea

Global Politics

The United States, France and the European Union are calling on the military government in the West African nation of Guinea to step down. Anchor Marco Werman gets the latest on the mood in Guinea from Patrick Smith, editor of Africa Confidential.