Oliver Stone

Mexican youth are telling the government to keep its hands off their cell phone signals

Global Scan

Mexico looks to have NSA-like plans in mind with its new telecommunications reform proposal. And that’s not sitting well with some of the country’s youth. Plus, the pro-Russia eastern regions of Ukraine have turned out to be a dangerous place for independent reporters. And a film controversy in China, in today’s Global Scan.

Mexican youth are telling the government to keep its hands off their cell phone signals

Global Scan
Anti-government protesters shout during a protest against Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas March 3, 2014.

One year after Hugo Chavez, his successor and Venezuela are struggling

Global Politics

American Icons: Lincoln Memorial

Arts, Culture & Media

Oliver Stone on new film, “W”

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Writing the Next Wall Street

Arts, Culture & Media

Screenwriters are busy trying to figure out how to tell the story of our current economic collapse as entertainment. The cinematic gold standard for financial movies is still Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street,” from 1987. Matthew Cavnar spoke to some writers struggling to craft a “Wall Street” for our times.