Kurt Cobain

A song of unknown origins that goes by many names but has influenced generations of musicians.

The haunting power of ‘In the Pines’


The long, rich musical and social history of a great old American song — before and after Kurt Cobain and Nirvana took a turn at making it theirs.

Singer Amy Winehouse dies tragically at 27

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Sanctions Block Burmese Rock Band Side Effect

Conflict & Justice
The World

Singer Amy Winehouse joins group of musicians who died tragically at 27

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

The Vaselines

Arts, Culture & Media
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The Vaselines & Harley-Davidson

This week, Studio 360’s American Icons series continues with a ride on America’s favorite bike – The Harley-Davidson. A mathematics professor explains hyperbolic geometry with crochet. And after a 20 year hiatus, Kurt Cobain’s favorite band, The Vaselines, is back making music.

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