Kenji Yoshino

The World

Judge overturns California’s gay marriage ban

Conflict & Justice

Yesterday, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional on 14th Amendment grounds of due process and equal protection under the law. In the culture wars, when voters and lawmakers and courts all weigh in, who has the final word?

Proposition 8 trial begins

Global Politics

Same-Sex Marriage Goes to the Supreme Court

Gay Rights Win Big in Ballot Measures

Supreme Court to Rule on Corporate Crime and Personhood

The World

Prop 8 fight goes to federal court

Conflict & Justice

The fight over gay marriage resumes in California today with Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Two same sex-couples are suing the enforcers of California’s Proposition 8 on grounds that the gay marriage ban violates their federal constitutional rights.

The World

(Gay) Friends with Benefits

Global Politics

President Obama will extend some benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees, but the Defense of Marriage Act threatens this progress. The Takeaway talks to Kenji Yoshino, professor of constitutional law at the NYU School of Law.

The World

A look at the docket for the Supreme Court

Global Politics

The Supreme Court has set its agenda for the week and will hear arguments on two cases involving civil rights. Joining The Takeaway to discuss these cases and more is Kenji Yoshino, the Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Law at NYU law school.

President Obama Changes Course on Defense Of Marriage Act

President Barack Obama declared the Defense Of Marriage Act unconstitutional yesterday, and ordered the Justice Department to no longer defend it. The act, which was signed into law in by President Bill Clinton back in 1996, barred any federal recognition of same-sex marriages. Reactions were split between Democrats and Republicans. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), […]