Judd Gregg

The World

Commission considers how to reduce burgeoning national debt

There’s growing concern about the national debt: currently a gulp-inducing $13 trillion … and counting. We speak with Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, and a member of the bipartisan deficit-reduction commission.

Sen. Chris Dodd in the spotlight

Global Politics
The World

Dems may use reconciliation to pass health care reform

Conflict & Justice
The World

It’s not you, it’s me: Judd Gregg withdraws nomination

Global Politics
The World

Third times the charm? Judd Gregg withdraws as commerce secretary

Global Politics
The World

Gone so soon, bipartisanship?

Global Politics

The Obama administration is finding few Republican allies in Washington these days, despite having high hopes of reaching across the aisle to enlist Republican support for some early initiatives. Is this the end of the effort at bipartisanship?

The World

New Hampshire enters Senate appointment drama

Global Politics

President Obama would like to nominate New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, a Republican, as Secretary of Commerce. But, Sen. Gregg will only accept the nomination if the New Hampshire governor, a Democrat, will replace him with another Republican.