Brian Greene

Planck satellite scientists release picture of early universe


Scientists from the European Space Agency’s Planck Surveyor satellite have mapped cosmic imprints from the earliest moments in the universe. The findings help explain what the universe was like seconds after the Big Bang.

Einstein’s Law of Relativity challenged by experiment


Discovering dark matter


Brian Greene on ‘The Fabric of the Cosmos’

The World

Swiss scientists challenge Einstein’s Law of Relativity

The World

What?! Teleportation does exist?


Scientists have teleported information between two atoms. Before you start singing, “Beam me up, Scotty,” listen to The Takeaway’s favorite physicist Brian Greene talk teleportation.

The World

The Big Bang, take two: physicists gear up to flip the switch on the Large Hadron Collider


Tomorrow, in an effort to recreate the conditions that followed the big bang, physicists will flip the switch on a gigantic particle accelerator — the Large Hadron Collider. Skeptics fear this will be the end of the earth, scientists say that planetary annihilation is unlikely.

The World

Seeing a supernova

Global Politics

Physicist and “The Elegant Universe” author Brian Greene and the 2008 World Science Festival