Bob Hennelly

The World

Cities, Municipal Bonds and a Potential for Disaster

There’s hope that the U.S. can pull out of this economic slump it’s in, but there’s a potential disaster looming for states that could derail any economic recovery. Meredith Whitney, a financial analyst famed for predicting Citigroup’s major debt fallout, made a new dire prediction. She believes up to 100 U.S. cities could default on […]

The World

Are depression-era services now bankrupting recession-era states?

Global Politics
The World

The NYPD’s efforts to reach out to the muslim community since 9/11

The World

An NYC bomber still uncaught

Conflict & Justice

Attempted New York terrorist attack unfolded under FBI supervision

Global Politics

NYPD monitored American Muslim student activities across Northeast

Global Politics

An internal report from the NYPD leaked this week to the Associated Press confirmed that for the past 10 years the NYPD has been conducting surveillance on Muslim student organizations across the Northeast United States. The report paints a surprising portrait of just how far the NYPD’s intelligence division went in monitoring American Muslims for terrorist activity.

As police officers are laid off, on-duty officer killings skyrocket

Global Politics

The number of police officers on patrol is at its lowest level in 12 years, and crime is at historically low levels, but the number of officers shot and killed in the line of duty is climbing dramatically.

Ed Koch, Former New York Mayor, Dies at 88

Ed Koch, the three-time mayor of New York, died this morning at the age of 88.  A self-described “little Jewish kid,” he few years ago he was asked to deliver his own epitaph. This is what he said, as reported by our partner The New York Times: “He was fiercely proud of his Jewish faith. He […]

House Passes Sandy Aid Bill

Last night, more than two months after Sandy devastated Coastal New York and New Jersey, the House finally passed a $50.7 billion aid bill for victims of the storm.   The bill now goes to the Senate, where it’s expected to pass, and then on to the White House for President Obama’s signature.   Bob Hennelly, contributing […]

Floods and Fraud: Congress Considers Sandy Aid

Residents of Coastal New York and New Jersey are still feeling the aftereffects of Sandy more than two months after the powerful storm left more than 100 dead  with  more than $71 billion in damage.   President Obama signed a $9.7 billion Sandy aid package last Sunday, and Congress will decide the fate of another $51 billion aid […]