Santa Barbara

The World

A day in the country

Arts, Culture & Media

I am not on the payroll of the California Travel & Tourism Commission, I swear. But as if the weather in general were not splendidly un-wintery enough, here’s some of what I encountered a couple of hours west and north of Los Angeles, by aiming for Santa Barbara and then more or less aimlessly wandering. […]

Dying sea star

What’s killing all the sea stars?


Maritime immigrant, drug smuggling picking up along California coast

Global Politics

Belgian Town Awash with Stolen Cash: What Would You Do?

Conflict & Justice

Dragon Fruit Makes its Culinary Journey to US Farms and Kitchens

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… a massive 1969 oil spill off Santa Barbara, California.

On Good Land: How One Small Farmer Survived the Onslaught of California Sprawl

According to the American Farmland Trust, about forty-six acres of farmland are lost every hour to non-agricultural uses, such as building new homes and businesses. And small farms are particularly vulnerable. But, farmer Michael Ableman has resisted the pressure of urban sprawl in one of the country’s most expensive real estate markets. For 17 years, […]

The World

California House Seat

The contest is on again for the same two politicians who fought it out two years ago in California’s 22nd congressional district which includes the affluent city of Santa Barbara. Stephanie O’Neill reports that the opponents environmental voting records are a key factor for voters in this tight race.

The World

California Drilling

The California coast near Santa Barbara is a breathtaking stretch of beach. Governor Gray Davis says no one can force California to let oil companies keep exploring there. But the Bush administration says it’s not for states to decide. Deirdre Kennedy reports from Santa Barbara.

The World

First the oil spill, then the reforms

Conflict & Justice

Energy reforms are on the minds of politicians following the collapse of the Deepwater Horizons oil rig. Historically, regulatory and environmental laws follow disasters, and regulatory changes, from equipment upgrades to increasing legal liability, are already on the table.