Billionaire hedge fund manager and philanthropist George Soros, chairman of Soros Fund Management
George Soros, the 81-year-old billionaire philanthropist, is currently in Burma.
Soros is known for pouring his wealth towards pet causes and projects. There are more than a few struggling Burmese organizations that would like to become one of them.
According to the Burmese-run Mizzima outlet, Soros has traveled to northern Shan State, a region armed separatists have struggled to control for decades. In coming days, the Wall Street Journal reports, he'll sit down with Aung San Suu Kyi, a democracy hero who acts as America's de facto policy advisor.
Soros already devotes about $2 million a year to the pro-democracy cause in Burma, officially known as Myanmar, a nation ravaged by military oppression and civil war.
His camp may very well announce even bigger donations as Burma's authoritarianism eases and the U.S. condones more international aid to the pariah state.