Weinergate: The business opportunity


It's an idea as old as business itself: capitalize on something newsworthy to make a quick buck.

So it's not all that surprising to see this global business trend playing out during Weinergate, the ever-expanding scandal involving New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, a certain photo on Twitter, and a mysterious bulge.

According to the New York Daily News, a sausage joint in Brooklyn is now selling "Anthony's Weiners," two beef hot dogs on two slices of French bread brushed with olive oil.

The cost: six bucks.

"We talked about serving the special on a bed of underwear but we didn't know what the reaction would be to that," co-owner Alex Darsey told the Daily News. "The joke kind of told itself."

Meanwhile, there seems to be no let-up to the Weinergate scandal.

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart today posted more compromising photos he claims are of the Congressman, including these topless shots.

And in case anyone is wondering, the U.S. unemployment rate is now up to 9.1 percent. Five American soldiers were killed in Iraq. And Yemen, Syria and Libya continue to burn.

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