The Indian government has issued a nationwide alert in the wake of the deadly blast outside Delhi High Court on Wednesday that killed as many as 11 people and wounded up to 90 others.
The explosion, within a few miles of the Indian parliament and labeled a terrorist attack by the government, was the deadliest to hit Delhi since 25 were killed in a series of blasts in a market in the capital three years ago, the LA Times reports.
It was the court had been targeted this year, and the eighth terrorist attack in Delhi in just over a decade, the Guardian reports.
(GlobalPost reports from Delhi: Delhi bomb: Experts see failure to adapt in terrorist strike)
Mumbai officials said the financial capital had been put on high alert, while security has reportedly been increased at courts across the country.
"This is a cowardly act," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh reportedly said from Bangladesh, where he is on an official visit. "We will deal with it. We will never succumb to the pressure of terrorism."
A terrorist group based in Pakistan and in Bangladesh, Harkat ul Jihad Islami (HuJI), took responsibility for the attack in an email and, according to the Guardian, "warned that attacks on Indian courts would continue unless the death sentence against a former Kashmiri insurgent involved in an attack on India's parliament in 2001 was repealed."
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah condemned the blast, labeling it "mindless violence," the Hindu Times reports.
"Another blast, more mindless violence and mind numbing tragedy," Omar reportedly said in a Twitter post.
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