A domestic departures board shows flight delays. (Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images
And you thought road rage was bad.
A mining official in Yunnan province, China, arguably set a new record for travel rage when he threw a violent tantrum after being denied embarkation onto a flight to Shenzhen out of Kunming Changshui International Airport.
Yan Linkun, deputy chairman of the Yunnan Mining Corporation, was caught on video violently destroying an airport check-in counter after missing his flight.
But perhaps what's more shocking than the airport temper tantrum is the fact that a host of uniformed guards stood passively by until Yan simply ran out of things to smash.
And while Yan is hardly the first Communist Party official who has thought himself above the laws governing ordinary people, netizen outrage sparked by the video going public has spurred disciplinary action.
Yunnan Mining Corporation officials were quick to suspend Yan and have ordered him to apologize for his actions. In a statement released over the weekend, Yan said:
I failed to be a qualified political adviser as well as a good father…My irrational actions and rudeness have caused some losses to the airport as well as bad effects to the public, so I sincerely apologize to the airport and public. I am willing to compensate.
According to GlobalPost's Benjamin Carlson, even though China's airports have multiplied over the last decade, the etiquette is sometimes lagging. Passengers who have faced delays have repeatedly stormed the runways, causing further delays, and more recently, police have even taken to using pepper spray to subdue unruly passengers who tried to break through a security gate.
Below is the video of the entire encounter. And while there may not be audio to accompany what we are sure was a very colorful rant, the visual alone is, in our opinion, captivating enough.
Silent security footage not your thing?
Here's a protip: Cut to the chase — the action starts around minute 1:30.
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