Indian police say that yet another woman has been raped on a public bus. The police announced that they have arrested six men in connection to the alleged incident. The victim, a 29-year-old woman, was traveling on a public bus to her village in Punjab when she was attacked, police told the Wall Street Journal.
More from GlobalPost: Focus on rape in India ignores gender violence as a global tragedy
The driver allegedly refused to stop at her village, instead taking her to a desolate area, BBC News reported. There, seven men took turns raping the woman. Afterward, she was dropped off near her village and told her family about the attack, police say.
"They threatened me with a sharp edged weapon and did wrong things with me," the victim told CNN's sister station, CNN-IBN. "They kept me confined all through the night and forced me to do what they want."
Gurmej Singh, deputy superintendent of police, said all six admitted involvement in the rape, the Associated Press reported. The police are searching for a seventh man who is also believed to be involved.
The victim is recovering at her home.
The new accusations come after a 23-year-old woman was brutally raped on a public bus in India and died from related injuries.
The number of rapes in India — where stigma keeps many such crimes from being reported — has increased from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 in 2011, according to official figures, CNN reported.