Matt Damon goes on a toilet strike (VIDEO)

Matt Damon says he won't go to the bathroom until everyone has a toilet.

National Public Radio reported the actor has created a mock "press conference" video for, an organization which he co-founded.

In the three minute YouTube video, Damon said he would not use the toilet "until everyone in the world has clean water and sanitation."

ABC News reported the Oscar-winning actor is raising awareness for the 780 million people globally who lack access to clean water and the 2.5 billion who do not have basic sanitation.

“In protest of this global tragedy, until this issue is resolved, until everybody has access to clean water and sanitation, I will not go to the bathroom,” Damon said. "The toilet strike is important … Join me. Say no toilets and yes to sanitation for all.”

"More people have cell phones than toilets,” he added.

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