Huffington Post Pulitzer: ‘Who needs a Peabody when you have a Pulitzer,’ Stephen Colbert told


Better prepared than most for a satirical interview, Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington appeared on “The Colbert Report” last night, ready to use the website’s newly acquired Pulitzer Prize in a mock game of toy soldiers against Colbert’s Peabody.

Colbert lead into his introduction, saying “I'll ask, Which one of Alec Baldwin's blog posts clinched it?"

More from GlobalPost: The Huffington Post wins its first Pulitzer

The Huffington Post on Monday notched a major milestone in the world’s troubled journalism and media landscape, winning a Pulitzer Prize for the work of military correspondent David Wood, whose ten-part series Beyond the Battlefield on wounded US military veterans was chosen for the highest American print journalism distinction.

Colbert began by feigning ignorance, as ever: “I like you. I don't like your politics. I think you're a cancer on America,” he said.

"What specifically did The Huffington Post win for? Was it for Heidi Klum nip slips? what was the article?"

Here is a video of the encounter:

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As transcribed by the Poynter Institute’s Mediawire, the encounter continued:

Colbert: Maybe my Peabody could fight your Pulitzer. … As a website you win a Pulitzer Prize, right? You can also win a Peabody with a website.

Huffington: Who needs a Peabody when you have a Pulitzer? … You need to stop aggregating the Huffington Post. Do you know how much of our material you use?

Colbert: All of it. … A year ago I started the Colbuffington Re-post. You aggregate from all over the Internet, and I re-aggregate from all over your website. And I hope you’re here to give me my re-Pulitzer.

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Huffington later appeared on Current TV’s viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer, according to The Huffington Post, and said the Pulitzer would put paid to arguments that HuffPost was simply a content and not a platform for serious journalism.

"It was basically a demonstration that you can do good journalism on any platform, which is what we've been saying for a long time,” Huffington was quoted as saying.

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