Boy tells Michele Bachmann: My mom is gay, and she doesn’t need fixing (VIDEO)


An eight-year-old boy told Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann earlier this week that his mother is gay and quite fine.

The boy, who identifies himself as Elijah, approached Bachmann as she was at a book signing in South Carolina. A video of the incident shows a woman walking Elijah up to Bachmann. The presidential candidate leans over the table to be at Elijah's height as she hakes his hand and asks his name.

Elijah then whispers something to Bachmann, and the woman with him as well as Bachmann, who is acting very maternal towards him, encourage him to speak louder.

Eventually the words come out again: "My mommy, Miss Bachmann, my mommy's gay but she doesn't need any fixing."

Bachmann looks a bit stunned and says goodbye.

Bachmann supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, according to the Associated Press.

Read more about the global battle over gay rights: The Rainbow Struggle

The video was posted on YouTube by Elijah's mother and has since been picked up by a variety of news outlets.

Meanwhile, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum struggled to explain his stance on gay marriage as he spoke to a crowd at a Christian college in Iowa on Monday night, saying that gay relationships should not be seen as "equal" to straight ones.

Santorum said the legalization of gay marriage would spread a "worldview that is fundamentally different than what is taught in schools today."

President Obama also addressed homosexuality today. His administration announced US foreign aid will be used to promote gay rights.

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