World shows its support for France after deadly attacks

Paris Attacks: Sydney's Opera House

In speeches, light shows and across social media, an outpouring of support arose for France after terrorists shot through Paris in a series of attacks deadlier than anything the capital had seen since World War II on the night of November 13. 

President Barack Obama characterized the killings as  an attack on all of humanity, and US presidential candidates offered condolences. Germany offered to send security forces.

Businesses and individuals offered their own backing.

1. London

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2. Berlin

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3. The Sydney Opera House

Paris Attacks: Sydney's Opera House
A couple stands in the rain as the blue, white and red colours of France's national flag are projected onto the sails of Sydney's Opera House in Australia November 14, 2015 following the attacks in Paris. Jason Reed

4. The Omni Hotel in Dallas

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5. Carnegie Hall

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6. Arturo Sarukhan, former Mexican ambassador to the US

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7. AJ Stream cartoonist Adam Elrashidi

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8. New York City

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9. Qasim Rashid, Esq., human rights activist and author

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10. Suhaib Webb, a well-known American imam

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11. Peter Howe, New England Cable News reporter

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12. Gideon Lichfield, senior editor, Quartz

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13. Michele Norris, NPR host and special correspondent

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Matthew Bell and Isis Madrid contributed to this report.

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