It’s hard to believe, but the SciFri Book Club is nearing its final week on planet Arrakis. Next Friday, August 22nd, Ira, Kim Stanley Robinson, Sara Imari Walker, and I will re-convene on air to wrap up our discussion of Frank Herbert’s Dune.
We want you to join us.
On August 22nd, give Science Friday a call during the 2-3 p.m. ET hour of the show at 844-724-8255, or tweet us @scifri with the hashtag #SciFriBookClub.
If your reading experience was anything like ours here at SciFri, the conclusion of this 794-page epic left you with a few thoughts to get off your chest. So we’re keeping this week’s discussion question dead simple:
What did you like (and not like) about Frank Herbert’s Dune?
Tell us in the comments below, or record your thoughts using the button below. We may use your recording on the air next week.* (A few guidelines for recorded comments: Please include your name and location, and keep your comment under two minutes.)
Listen to your fellow Book Club members’ comments by visiting our Audioboo channel, here.
*By submitting your comment, you agree to let us use your recording on the air, and in whatever capacity Science Friday sees fit. Not all quotes will be used.