Olympians Of A Certain Age

The Takeaway

Many of us see our golden years as a time when we can sit back, relax, and leave our strenuous days behind us. But for the athletes featured in the new documentary, “Age of Champions,” the retirement years are for anything but retiring.
Profiling five athletes, “Age of Champions” celebrates swimmers, tennis players, basketball players and pole vaulters, all of whom are between the ages of 72 and 100-years-old, as they compete in the National Senior Olympic Games.
Mavis Albin is among them. She is the captain of the all-female, all-senior Celadrin Tigerettes basketball team and she’s won seven gold medals and is hoping to earn her eighth later this month.
Keith Ochwat is the producer of “Age of Champions.” Not yet 30, he believes both young and not-so-young audiences can learn a lot from the subjects of his film.
“Age of Champions” will be broadcast on PBS stations across the country beginning July 9th. To learn more about the film, or local screenings, visit the film’s website. They join The Takeaway to discuss the film and the Senior Olympic Games.

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