The GOP candidate

To the Point

Has a friendly news media allowed McCain to obscure his views on big issues? Is McCain really the "maverick" he’s made out to be? "To the Point" looks at the tax cuts, the economy and what McCain means by "victory" in Iraq. Once the Democrats resolve their nomination fight, will the campaign focus on issues, or will it all be about personality and image?

– Jackie Calmes: Chief Political Reporter, Wall Street Journal
– Dana Milbank: National Political Reporter, Washington Post
– Cliff Schecter: author, ‘The Real McCain’
– Harlan Ullman: Senior Associate, Center for Strategic and International Studies
– David Winston: Republican pollster and strategist

Hosted by award-winning journalist Warren Olney, "To the Point" presents informative and thought-provoking discussion of major news stories — front-page issues that attract a savvy and serious news audience.

More "To the Point"

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