Anheuser-Busch launches campaign to fight watered-down beer accusations

This weekend the Budweiser team has launched big PR campaign, seeking to end the negative publicity from $5 million class-action lawsuits accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down its Budweiser, Michelob and other brands.

A promoted tweet from Budweiser contains an image that points to the water Anheuser-Busch gave to the American Red Cross. The image has also appeared in newspaper ads in The New York Times and the Houston Chronicle.

Notably the advertisement doesn't directly address the accusations, reportedly based on information from former employees, that says Budweiser and other brands are watered down before bottling and do not contain the alcohol content their labels suggest.

However, @Budweiser also points towards this CNN report that found the alcohol levels were accurate, and also this NPR report that found similar results.

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Anheuser-Busch denies the accusations and says its beers fully comply with labeling laws.

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