Stephen Starr

Syria: Rebels forced out of eastern Damascus suburbs


Fear in Damascus spreads as battles between Syria’s security forces and rebels inch closer to the capital.

Syria: What the Arab League failed to observe


Syria: Mass killings uncovered near Damascus


Syria’s Christians continue to stand by Assad regime


Syria: the two faces of a divided country


Syria: To intervene or not to intervene?


While some Syrians support international intervention, others warn of a new Iraq.

Syria’s revolt is now one year old


Syrians from all over the country and from differing backgrounds gave GlobalPost their thoughts of where Syria is today, and where they think it is headed.

Titanic legacy still lingers in tiny Irish town

Cobh, the great ship’s last port of call, remembers the tragedy 100 years later.

The World

Anti-government anger seethes on Istanbul streets


Protests quickly morphed into a lightning rod for a broad set of social and political grievances against the Turkish government.

The World

Turkey protests: about more than a shopping mall


The protest movement sweeping Turkey has drawn people from all strata of society.