Shirin Jaafari


The World

Shirin Jaafari is a reporter for The World focusing on the Middle East. She has covered conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Ukraine. Her reporting focuses on current events, politics, conflict and human rights. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Harvard’s Extension School. Before joining The World, Shirin worked for the BBC in Washington, DC. Shirin was a finalist for the Livingston Award for Young Journalists in 2009 and she received an honorable mention from the Gracie Award in 2022 for her coverage of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.When not filing for radio, she can be found hiking and camping in the mountains.You can find her on Twitter @Shirinj.

Syrian refugees in Lebanon face growing restrictions and deportation

Israel-Hamas war

Thirteen years since Syria’s civil war broke out, Lebanon remains home to the largest Syrian refugee population per capita in the world: roughly 1.5 million people. Now, Lebanese politicians say they must be sent home. Many employers have stopped hiring Syrians for menial jobs. And municipalities have issued new restrictions, even evicting Syrian tenants, according to recent news reports.

An abandoned hotel in southern Lebanon has become a sanctuary for dozens of displaced families

Israel-Hamas war

As Hezbollah buries its fighters, supporters say they are defiant 

Israel-Hamas war

Exclusive: Lebanon’s foreign minister says his country doesn’t want a war with Israel

Israel-Hamas war
boy in his room playing guitar

His stepfather took him to Syria in 2014. His ordeal had just begun.

Shadow of ISIS
Wafaa Mustafa was married to American ISIS fighter Russell Dennison.

‘We have no future’: A Syrian woman speaks about her life with an American ISIS member

Shadow of ISIS

When the terrorist group ISIS emerged in Syria in the last decade, some 30,000 foreign fighters went to Syria to fight for the group. Most were from Europe and Asia. About 300 Americans joined or attempted to join ISIS, including one woman who was married to an American ISIS fighter. 

‘I have to work to help my family’: Child laborers in Raqqa face dangerous conditions

Shadow of ISIS

The campaign to liberate Raqqa in northeastern Syria from ISIS in 2017 left the city in ruins. Today, children make up a significant portion of the workforce that is rebuilding the city. One family knows the dangers of this work firsthand.

Gaza Strip as seen from the window of the Jordanian cargo plane carrying aid.

The view over Gaza onboard a Jordanian aid plane

Israel-Hamas war

As part of the effort to get more food and water into Gaza, the Jordanian air force is participating in airdrops into the beleaguered territory. The World’s Shirin Jaafari traveled along on one of the flights to see what it takes to get aid into Gaza from above.

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Oil refineries in northeastern Syria are sickening people and polluting the environment

Shadow of ISIS

Across northeastern Syria, makeshift refineries pump out fuel for cars, heating and electricity. They are also a major source of income for local residents who have endured more than a decade of conflict. But this critical resource is also harmful.

woman in market

Residents in northeastern Syria react to recent attacks on US bases

Shadow of ISIS

About 900 American forces stationed in Northeast Syria have been attacked by militia forces in neighboring Iraq. The Americans act as a deterrence against ISIS and Turkey, both of which consider the Kurds in northeast Syria as their enemy. The residents in this area are on edge about the recent militia attacks and the possibility of a US withdrawal.