Venezuela's vote

Meet Henrique Capriles, Chavez’s first real challenger


Capriles has unified the opposition like never before under Hugo Chavez’s 13-year tenure.

Venezuela: This gritty, clandestine video could ensure Chavez’s re-election


Venezuela: Opposition shootings cast a shadow on election


Bullet to ballot: Today’s Latin American strongmen cling to power at the polls


What Venezuela’s election means for Washington


Brazilian advisers spin elections in Venezuela and beyond


Having proved themselves with Lula, Brazil’s political PR wizards are a hot commodity in Latin America and Africa.

The World

On Location Video: Caracas murder rate looms as Venezuelans vote


Will the Venezuelan capital’s stratospheric crime rate hurt Hugo Chavez’s bid for re-election?

Chavez’s allure blends charisma and plenty of gifts


Venezuelans, especially the hundreds who’ve received free homes, say their everlasting leader is ‘the only president that’s done anything for Venezuela.’

Venezuela: Long lines for presidential election


Venezuelans were up as early as 3 a.m. this morning to vote in the country’s tightest presidential election since Hugo Chavez first came to power 13 years ago.

Venezuela’s Chavez wins re-election

Hugo Chavez won about 54 percent of the vote, defeating Henrique Capriles by nearly 10 percentage points, electoral officials said.